Meet Our Wonderful Team...

Ryan Sounds


Ryan has a passion for helping businesses grow and become more efficient. His killer results have allowed him to teach other Digital Marketers his Proven Strategies. He is an avid reader, an accomplished pianist and former College Football Player. 

Deondra D.


Deondra is the backbone of all operations. She puts all the pieces together to maximize ROI and Efficiency. She has an operations and administrative background. She has a genuine heart to help and treats all of our clients as if they were her own family.

Michael P.


Michael has built a global network of doers and thinkers helping hundreds of businesses grow and thrive via collaboration and execution of digital projects. He's a people person with a technical background and a passion for helping achieve success.

Latisha D.


Latisha is brains and guru behind efficient communications. She prides herself in giving all of our clients the best experience possible. She has helped create some of the best customer experience flows making all interactions personal.

Sounds Like Outsourcing Is Compatible With The Following Credit Repair Software...

Are You Looking For an Outsourcing Partnership?


As a Small Business Owner, your time is the MOST valuable thing you have. When you are trying to scale your business you have to focus on way too many things:

Generating Clients

Communicating with Clients






and much more...

Well, what if you didn't have to worry about Disputing and updating clients on their status in your Program...

Imagine being able to...generate a client, send them to Sounds Like Outsourcing, and we take care of their Disputing and Round Update Communication!

The #1 reason clients cancel services with Credit Repair Organizations is due to a lack of communication!

We've created the Sounds Elite Communication system that will update your clients on their Dispute Rounds and continue to update them in between dispute rounds...

Voice Drops Updates

Text Messages Updates

Emails Updates

...Your clients will no longer feel like they have to harass you due to a lack of communication!

You finally get to focus on being the CEO that scales the Business rather than being the Employee who works in the Business!

As a Small Business Owner, your time is the MOST valuable thing you have. When you are trying to scale your business you have to focus on way too many things:

Generating Clients

Communicating with Clients






and much more...

Well, what if you didn't have to worry about Disputing and updating clients on their status in your Program...

Imagine being able to...generate a client, send them to Sounds Like Outsourcing, and we take care of their Disputing and Round Update Communication!

The #1 reason clients cancel services with Credit Repair Organizations is due to a lack of communication!

We've created the Sounds Elite Communication system that will update your clients on their Dispute Rounds and continue to update them in between dispute rounds...

Voice Drops Updates

Text Messages Updates

Emails Updates

...Your clients will no longer feel like they have to harass you due to a lack of communication!

You finally get to focus on being the CEO that scales the Business rather than being the Employee who works in the Business!

Our Step By Step Process...


Sign Up For FREE!

Our membership is 100% Free! Just by signing up, you will get access to Sounds University which will give you access to trainings such as Lead Generation, Facebook Ads, and much more...


Complete Onboarding

We collect information regarding your Business, Processes, and Branding so that we can work as your Dispute & Communications Department! Oh yea...consider this your first Official Department addition! 😎


Add Credits To Your Account

1 Credit = 1 Round

Our AMAZING Credit system allows you to save on dispute costs, mailing costs and includes client automation.


Add Clients To Dispute Software

We show you how to easily add your clients to your Dispute Software and how to organize them so that our team can easily go through and prepare your clients dispute round!


Now Go Be A CEO! We Got This...

We take it from here! We will update you after 35-40 days with an update, results, and to start the next round if applicable.

Now you get to go be the CEO and have the peace of mind that your Elite Disputing Department has it under control. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! 🚀

What is Sounds Like Outsourcing going to do for you while in our program?

  • We import and analyze your client's Credit Report!
  • We write and mail their custom dispute letter!
  • We notify you and your client when their letter is mailed!
  • We send weekly email reminders!
  • We notify you and your client after their dispute round has concluded!
  • We send you and your client a monthly progress report outlining the deletions, changes, and recommendations!

What is your job while working with Sounds Like Outsourcing?

  • You enroll and onboard new clients!
  • You communicate any inactive clients to us so we can remove them from processing!
  • You handle your own client inquiries, questions, and concerns. (You can communicate important information to us as well)
  • You get to rely on the BEST Dispute Outsourcing Company on the Internet!
  • You now get to go be a CEO!

we challenge the following items using our metro 2 compliance method:

we challenge the following items using our metro 2 compliance method:

Check out what our clients have to say...

110 Leads in 3 Weeks and Closed 31 NEW Clients! 




From 2 Clients a Month to 7 Clients In ONE WEEK!🔥💪🏾

Chatbots For The WIN!!


What More Proof Do You Need? 🤯 Skyrocket Your Business With Chatbots!🚀


What are the benefits of outsourcing?

What are the benefits of outsourcing?

There is a saying that goes like this "Work Smarter, Not Harder!"...

You can't scale your Business if you are doing everything in your business!

You are the Sales Rep, Customer Service Rep, Dispute Rep, Support Rep, Accounting Rep, etc...

Disputing clients' information should be the last thing on your mind as the CEO of your business!

We take this off your hand, help you retain your clients, and consistently deliver great resutls!

How long does it take to get my account?

You can join our program today ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

How long does it take to get my account?

You will get access to our Private Community as well as to Sounds University which is an online training platform where we show CRO's lead generation, Facebook Ads, Team Building, Automation, and much more...

Do you need to know how to dispute?

NO! You don't need to know anything about disputing as we will work as your Disputing Department!

How long does it take to get my account?

How long does it take to get my account?

You will get your login and instructions via email after the purchase.

What are the differences between the plans?

What are the differences between the plans?

*IMPORTANT* Our plans are pretty straightforward and offer a discount when purchased in bulk.

Pay-As-You-Go: This plan cost $33/Credit (One Round). There is no minimum purchase required.

Professional: This plan cost $28/Credit (One Round). There is a 30 Credit Minimum purchase required.

Sounds Elite: This plan cost $23/Credit (One Round). There is a 100 Credit Minimum purchase required.

How much does it cost?

How much does it cost?

Our pricing is very simple as you will use "Credits" to Outsource your clients.

Simply, Add Credits, Outsource Your Clients, and Enjoy AMAZING Results!

Here’s the breakdown:

1-29 credits = $33 each

30-99 credits = $28 each

100-150 credits = $23 each

151+ credits = Custom Plan Available contact [email protected]

Are there any start-up fees or client minimums?

We are currently running a promotion WAIVING all start-up fees.

Does Sounds Like Outsourcing mail off the letter or do I do it myself?

Yes, we will create the letters, package them, and mail/fax your letters off on your behalf!

Do you offer Certified Mail Credits?

Yes, we do offer Certified Mail Credits for $20 each letter.

What do you get with "1" credit?

What do I get with just "ONE" Credit?

For one credit we will dispute up to 25 derogatory items at a time per bureau (Equifax, Experian, Transunioin)

We dispute directly with Creditor/Debt Collector for only HALF of a Credit.

.5 Credit = 1 Round Dispute w/Creditor & Debt Collector

What dispute method do you use?

What dispute method do you use?

We use the Sounds Metro 2 Compliance strategy that has been taking over the Credit Repair Industry.

We use methods such as Metro 2 Compliance, Factual Disputing, and much more...

What is the difference between Factual Disputing and Metro 2 Compliance?

What is the difference between Factual Disputing and Metro 2 Compliance?

In Factual disputes, a consumer is provided with an extensive opportunity of having their disputes taken seriously.

Refusal of these credit bureaus to dispute is a violation of FRCA which leads to a leverage on your end.

Metro 2 Compliance is a powerfully effective process of requesting e-OSCAR to verify whether items on your credit reports meet compliance standards.

One effective process of requesting e-OSCAR to verify that items on your credit report complies with compliance standard is Metro 2 Compliance

This solution forces E-OSCAR to work to your benefit, not the benefit of the Credit Reporting Agencies.

If you want results...

Let us take this off your hands so you don't have to learn the laws, codes, and the headaches of going back and forth with the Credit Bureaus.

How many items do you dispute in a Round?

We dispute up to 25 negative accounts at a time per bureau (Equifax, Experian, Transunion).

We dispute directly with creditors and collection agencies (at our discretion, per client basis).

Do you dispute Inquiries?

Yes! Inquiries are usually disputed last unless requested.

Do I need Online Dispute Software?

Yes, you will need to have access to an Online Dispute Software. Example: Credit Repair Cloud, Dispute Fox, etc.

What is your job while working with Sounds Like Outsourcing?

  1. We import and analyze your client's Credit Report!

  1. We write and mail their custom dispute letter!

  1. We notify you and your client when their letter is mailed!

  1. We send weekly email reminders!

  1. We notify you and your client after their dispute round has concluded!

  1. We send you and your client a monthly progress report outlining the deletions, changes, and recommendations!

  1. We get ready for the next round!

What is your job while working with Sounds Like Outsourcing?

  1. You enroll and onboard new clients

  1. You communicate any inactive clients to us so we can remove them from processing

  1. You handle your own client inquiries, questions, and concerns. (You can communicate important information to us as well)

  1. You get to rely on the BEST Dispute Outsourcing Company on the Internet!

  1. You now get to go be a CEO!

How long does the process take?

Legally, we cannot guarantee any specific timeframe and/or results for your client.

If an item can legally be removed from a credit report, we will either get it removed or refer it to an attorney.

We cannot delete accurately reporting information, whether negative or positive.

The timeframe in which a client is being processed is solely at the discretion of the credit repair company and not Sounds Like Outsourcing.

We will continue processing a client unless the credit repair company cancels the processing of the client.

How do I submit a client for processing?

Super easy! We show you a step-by-step video showing you how to do this once you get signed up.

Do you offer refunds?

No, we do not offer refunds. Our team will go above and beyond to provide the best customer support in the online industry, guaranteed. We are here to support you in any way we can.

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At Ryan Sounds Enterprise we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.

© 2021 - Ryan Sounds Enterprise. All Rights Reserved.